The purpose of this hub is to provide relevant updates and resources on the coronavirus to keep you informed.
We are also providing regular community updates on our website, to view our updates on coronavirus, click here.
COVID-19 update - 16 January
The WA Government has reintroduced a mask mandate for all indoor public areas in the Perth and Peel regions from 6pm Sunday 16 January, until further notice.
Click on the button below to read the full update.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can make humans and animals sick. They cause illnesses that can range from the common cold to more severe diseases. People with coronavirus may experience; fever, flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, and fatigue and shortness of breath. Watch the video above for more information.
Wash hands often with soap and water. Wash for at least 20 seconds.
Cover mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing.
Avoid close contact with others, such as touching.
Useful resources:
Preventing infection
Mental well-being
Government resources
We've collated a range of resources on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Download easy read documents, social narratives and more!
We've gathered some resources from the government that we think
may be useful to you!
View our collection of resources to help keep you mentally healthy during the pandemic.
Department of Health: For coronavirus health questions, phone the DoH on 1800 020 080.
Disability Information Helpline: If you live with a disability and need help because of coronavirus, call the Helpline on 1800 643 787.
Preventing infection resources
Easy English coronavirus document -This document from the Growing Space has been designed to be accessible to all. Click here to download the document.
How to wash hands poster -This poster form the World Health Organisation provides a step by step guide on how to wash your hands correctly. . Click here to download the poster
Preventing infection poster -Download our poster that includes tips to help with avoiding infection.. Click here to download the poster.
Coronavirus social narrative -Little Puddins have created a story narrative to help communicate about coronavirus and alleviate some anxiety that people may be experiencing. Click here to download the document.
Coronavirus aided language display -Two Way Street have a downloadable Aided Language Display (ALD) that can help communicate about coronavirus. Click here to download the document.
Staying healthy guide - Easy English - This guide from Council for Intellectual Disability explains how to avoid getting sick in an easy read format. Click here to download the document.
Get the facts on COVID-19 vaccines - Visit the Australian Government Department of Health's website to find accurate, evidence-based answers to questions or misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines.. Click here to visit the website.
Coronavirus FAQs - The Australian Government Department of Social Services has created an easy read document for frequently asked coronavirus questions. Click here to download the FAQs.
Coronavirus: Social distancing - The Australian Government Department of Social Services has created an easy read document about social distancing. Click here to download the document.
Coronavirus: What you need to know - The Australian Government Department of Social Services has created an easy read document about important coronavirus information. Click here to download the document.
Disability Gateway - The Disability Gateway provides information and referrals for people living with disability who need help because of coronavirus. Call 1800 643 787. Click here for more information about the helpline.
Coronavirus: NDIS participant information - The Quality and Safesguard Commission has created an easy read document with information for NDIS participants. Click here to view the fact sheet.
DoH Coronavirus Webpage for People with Disability - The Department of Health have released a webpage with coronavirus advice for people living with disability Click here to view the webpage.
Official government Easy Read coronavirus documents - The Information Access Group has compiled coronavirus Easy Read documents from various government departments. Click here to view the resources.
Department of Social Services - The Australian Government Department of Social Services has created resources on coronavirus for people living with disability and their supporters, including Auslan and Easy Read versions of important information. Click here to view the resources.